Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Seven Days

...until I get to go home! (Six days until my final, though. Yikes.)

I'm sick again, but that's not really anything new. =P One more fencing class, on Thursday. Makes me a little sad. I'm definitely going to have to join the fencing club next year. :) I fenced today in our class tournament, even though when I showed up and realized I didn't have any more cough drops I thought I might die on the spot. And then I realized that feeling of I'd-kind-of-like-to-die-now-please wasn't just from the lack of cough drops--I took meds this morning that aren't supposed to be taken on an empty stomach. Oops.

I did all right, though. I only lost two rounds. ^_^



    Hope you feel better, that cough sounds icky. :( Make sure to rest. AND OMGOSH ICE SKATING :D

    I totally will text you at a decent hour... Kind of tired atm... And doing homework. XD

  2. I'm sick too. I think I have a fever but I'm kind of sweaty...my body doesn't make sense right now.

    (: Good luck on your final; you're going to do fantastic.
