Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm quite terrible at it. Not only is it hard, but exhausting as well. If I could find the privacy, I would probably start making a pathetic keening noise and curl up into a ball on the floor until either my moment of privacy ended or I felt better.

Chances are that my moment of privacy would end before I felt better. Downside of living in the dorm.


  1. It is definitely a downside. Lucky for me, my roommate leaves almost every weekend, so I guess I get my moments. We'll have our own rooms soon enough, though.
    You living in the dorms next year?

  2. Yep. The nice upperclassmen dorms, though. :) They're more like apartments than dorms. What about you?

  3. Awww... That's okay, summer is soon and you'll have your room! :)

  4. I've actually got an apartment for next year with two people from my hall and another friend. I can't wait to have my own room haha.
