Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It's a lot of work to even find somewhere to send my short stories. And of all those I do find, it'll be a miracle if they publish one out of a hundred of my submissions. No joke. Terrible odds all around. What was I thinking, wanting to become a writer? I should switch my major to accounting, quick, while I still have a chance to make a real living.

Hah. That was me being melodramatic. Can any of you actually picture me choosing math and money over my stories? It's laughable. =P

But that doesn't mean I can't be disturbed by how every submission is a long shot. And I most certainly am. >_<

And okay, yes, I confess: I was definitely listening to The Cab's cover of Rhianna's "Disturbia" as I write this. Thus the title.

1 comment:

  1. (Sorry for the slow turnaround. I need to get better at this commenting thing).

    I can kind of understand how you an artist in our economy is rather scary sometimes.

    But, I have faith in my guy. He's driven to succeed and he's passionate about what he wants to do: art. It's because of that motivation, that desire to "make things pretty" as he calls it that gives me confidence in his ability to succeed.

    It's the same thing with you. I've watched you from afar (wayyyyy far) grow in your writing capabilities. I have that same faith in you; you can do it! You love writing so go for it. I think that if you whole-heartedly love writing (or, just about anything), you won't fail. There will be setbacks but hey, who doesn't have setbacks? Even bio/chem majors I know of have it hard too.

    Hang in there (: I can't wait to see where you go with your writing.
